Regional Development Protection Programme (RDPP) - Horn of Africa
The EU Regional Development and Protection Programme (RDDP) in the Horn of Africa, led by the Netherlands, has been set up to improve protection and enhance development prospects of refugees, IDPs and local communities, aiming to offer an alternative to risks of irregular migration.
The Steering Committee of the RDPP consists of the European Union (EU) and its Member States, Norway and Switzerland. The programme is funded by the EU Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF), the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and contributions by EU+ member states.
A flagship initiative of the Valletta Action Plan
Launched in June 2015, the RDPP is one of the flagship initiatives within the broader Valletta Action Plan. It aims to develop evidence-based, innovative and sustainable approaches, in partnership with governments in the region, to address the protection needs of refugees, internally displaced people (IDPs) and their host communities and to promote durable solutions for them that integrate the development needs of refugees and of the local population, where possible.
Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya are key countries for the RDPP as they host large numbers of refugees from Eritrea, Somalia and South Sudan. In these countries, the RDPP aims to provide improved prospects for refugees as well as host communities with a view to allow beneficiaries to be able to provide for their own livelihood.
Actions in Somalia are tailored to reach durable solutions by improving migration management, addressing state fragility in areas of return, and enabling and facilitating voluntary repatriation of Somali refugees from Kenyan refugee camps.
Towards scaling up
The RDPP will pilot innovative actions that have the potential to be scaled up. It will require real-time monitoring and evaluation to assess the effectiveness of these actions and to enable the RDPP to adapt or redirect the programme if needed.
To promote political buy-in and generate additional lessons learned, the RDPP also encourages exchange of knowledge and expertise between the countries in the Horn of Africa. For instance, the RDPP plans to hold regional meetings bringing together a range of different stakeholders, such as local authorities and experts from ministries in the region.
EU Regional Development and Protection Programme (RDDP) Horn of Africa Framework
Overall Objective
Create evidence-based, innovative and sustainable protection and development approaches for refugees and their host communities in Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Somalia and Uganda.
Based on the country-specific context, choice of pillars and outcomes is further defined per country.
Pillar 1: Capacity-building
Strengthen capacity of local and central authorities to develop and implement an integrated approach towards refugees, host communities and mixed migration.
Pillar 2: Protection
Strengthen comprehensive protection approach for refugees in different settings and their host communities, with specific emphasis on vulnerable groups.
Pillar 3: Integrated services
Improve social cohesion by promoting access to integrated services delivery for both host communities and refugees (in and out of camp).
Pillar 4: Socio-economic development
Improve livelihood and employment opportunities for both refugees (in and out of camp) and host communities, with specific emphasis on youth.